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小小炼狱所有组合表 小小炼狱通关教程

更新时间:2025-03-14 05:00:59编辑:瞳荧
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自行车海盗组合:Wooden Bicycle(1) Toy Pirate(1);
别人的组合;Someone Else's Credit Card(1) Someone Else's Family Portrait(1);
春眠不觉晓组合:Instant Seed Packet(1) Alarm Clock(1);
世世代代组合:Spider Egg(1) Someone Else's Family Portrait(1);
贷款人组合:Someone Else's Credit Card(1) Blankity Bank(1);
夜场电影组合:Corn on the Cob(1) Television(1);
远航组合:Toy Pirate(1) Oil Barge(2)
建筑用砖组合:Building Blocks(2) Ordinary Brick(1);
喷火组合:Antiki Torch(1) Pyranosauraus Plushie(2);
恐龙炸药组合:Pyranosaurus Plushie(2) Disgruntled Elf Plushie(2);
注视着你组合:Television(1) Wandering Eye(2);
磁心组合:Broken Magnet(1) Cold Metal Heart(2);
双风扇组合:Space Heater(2) Cold Metal Heart(2);
恐怖之牙组合:Eager BunnyPlushie(2) Toy Leperchaun(2)
定时炸弹组合:Alarm Clock(1) Mini Nuke(2);
喵星人组合:Wandering Eye(2) Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie(2);
小猫吃鱼组合:Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie(2) Blowfish(3);
瓷器店中的熊组合:Feelings Bear Plushie(2) Fragile China(3);
玉米片组合:Corn on the Cob(1) Tooth 'n'Corn Breakfast Flakes(3);
死鱼组合:Blowfish(3) Discount Sushi(3);
醒来!组合:Alarm Clock(1) Coffee(3)
冰咖啡组合:Dry lce Cubes(3) Coffee(3);
复活节兔子组合:Egg Pack(3) Eager Bunny Plushie(2);
流质饮食组合:Future Fizz(3) Coffee(3) Midlife Crisis Mitigator(3);
卵囊组合:Spider Egg(1) Locust Eggs(3);
吓坏了的食物组合:Marshmallows(3) Coffee(3) Toaster(3);
木块组合:Letter Blocks(1) Building Blocks(2) Tetronimos(4);
蜘蛛组合:Spider Egg(1) Giant Spider(4)
僵尸花园组合:Instant Seed Packet(1) Toy Zombie(4);
等蛋组合:Egg Pack(3) PhoenixEgg(4);
令人费解的冒险组合:Tetronimos(4) Gentleman Adventurer Doll (4);
粘粘世界组合:Goo Ball Pack(4) Casual Game(4);
飞行模式组合:Cell Phone(4) Handheld Fireplace(4) Gaming Tablet(4);
水下组合:Blowfish(3) Miss Hexopus(4);
嵌套游戏组合:Handheld Fireplace(4) Beta Version(4);
像素像素化组合:Pixel Pack(4) Beta Version(4)
38—45组合:日本组合:Discount Sushi(3) Toy Ninja(4);
脑子阿霍伊嗨呀!组合:Toy Zombie(4) Toy Pirate(1) Toy Ninja(4);
玫瑰组合:Valkyrie Doll(2) Gravity Boy Action Toy(4);
猫夫人组合:Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie(2) Old Lady Doll (5);
老夫妇组合:Gentleman Adventurer Doll(4) Old Lady Doll (5);
可怕的秘密组合:The Terrible Secret(5) Mystery Seasoning(3);
换灯泡组合:Fragile Bulbs(2) Modern Lamp(5)
冷战组合:Uncle Sam's Blam Blams(2) Russian Nesting Doll (5);
加框的组合:Little Inferno Collector Poster(1) Someone Else's Family Portrait(1) Oil Painting(5);
作家的木块组合:Letter Blocks(1) Word Pack(5);
停止丢弃与滚动组合:Smoke Detector(3) Fire Extinguisher(5);
彩色火焰组合:Zesty Beetles(3) Beta Version(4) Powder Barrel(5);
授粉组合:Instant Seed Packet(1) Cocoon(5);
猫浴组合:Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie(2) Dish Detergent(5);
干净的盘子组合:Dish Detergent(5) Fragile China(3)
管弦乐组合:Valkyrie Doll (2) Cello(5);
中年药物组合:Midlife Crisis Mitigator(3) Medicated Mommy Pills(5);
药丸射击器组合:Best Friend Supplement Pills(2) Medicated MommyPills(5);
熊皮地毯组合:Feelings Bear Plushie(2) Old Bear Trap(6);
烟花组合:Uncle Sam's Blam Blams(2) Dynamite Daisy(6);
旋转的刀片组合:Super Juicer 4000(3) Drill Chain Thrower(6);
木材!组合:Drill Chain Thrower(6) Lumberjack Hand(6) Manly Odor Spray(6)
扑克牌之手组合:Glass Cards(6) Lumberjack Hand (6);
猎鸭季组合:Gaming Tablet(4) Game Bush(6);
狩猎组合:Old Bear Trap(6) GameBush(6);
核能剃须刀组合66.Manly COMBO充满男子气概的组合:Mini Nuke(2) Manly Razor(6);
砖头与灰浆组合:Ordinary Brick(1) Unstable Ordinance(6);
发短信女孩组合:Cell Phone(4) Low Self-Esteem Action Doll (6);
联谊会聚会组合:LowSelf-EsteemAction Doll(6) Balloons(5)
喷云吐雾链条组合:Drill Chain Thrower(6) PuffPack(6);
致命恶习组合:Midlife Crisis Mitigator(3) Glass Cards(6) Puff Pack(6);
注射组合:Snake Surprise(2) Protein Powder(6);
健美组合:Manly Trophy(6) Protein Powder(6);
震耳欲聋的组合:Valkyrie Doll (2) Sonic Boombox(6);
狂飙组合:Wooden Bicycle(1) Celebration Bus(1) Mustache Rider(6);
患病的组合:Toy Leperchaun(2) Mystery Seasoning(3) Book of Darkness(6)
链条电子邮件组合:Drill Chain Thrower(6) Email(7);
木制掌声组合:Lumberjack Hand(6) Laser Pointer(7);
学习的乐趣!组合:CelebrationBus(1) Toy Rocketship(7);
玻璃胡组合:Fashionable Sunglasses(7) Mighty Mustache(6);
在互联网出现之前组合:Television(1) Old Timey Radio(7);
睡着的木偶组合:Sleeping ldol(1) Triangle ldol(5) Rotund ldol (7);
冰冻星球组合: Cubes(3) Mini Pluto(7)
心脏与灵魂组合:Cold Metal Heart(2) Transhumanist Action Figure(7);
黄砖路组合:Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie(2) Scarecrow(5) Transhumanist Action Figure(7);
飞机与货车组合:Unstable Ordinance(6) Railroad Xing(7);
机器人的未来组合:Clampy Bot(4) Mom &Dad Bots(7);
北极熊组合:Feelings Bear Plushie(2) South Pole(7);
硬纸板组合:Imitation Meatboy(4) Cardboard Sword(4) Decoy Lady Bug(7)
香肠工厂组合:Sausage Links(3) Clone Factory(7);
书友会组合:The Terrible Secret(5) Book of Darkness(6) Creation Science(7);
垃圾邮件云组合:Email(7) Internet Cloud(7);
在线盗版组合:Internet Cloud(7) Toy Pirate(1);
这是一个标识!组合:Railroad Xing(7) This Way Down(7);
太阳花组合:Miniature Sun(7) Instant Seed Packet(1);
迷你银河系组合:Mini Moon(2) Mini Pluto(7) Miniature Sun(7);
F未来如此明亮组合:Fashionable Sunglasses(7) Miniature Sun(7)
